New Patients
Now seeing patients in Kirksville, Edina, and Memphis, MO.

Welcome! We look forward to working with you!
We invite you to take part in any one of the services provided by Envision Wellness. For more information about our services, please view the services offered portion of the website. Any questions you have may be answered by our FAQ section or use the contact us portion of our website. Our dietitians sincerely enjoy working with clients to meet their nutritional needs and health goals. Prior to meeting with one of our dietitians we ask that you complete these three steps:
Verify your insurance coverage
Obtain a referral by your medical provider, if required by your insurance
Complete new patient paperwork including food & beverage log, or use the Cronometer tracking app and/or website
Please continue reading to learn about how insurance covers our services, how your medical provider can complete a referral, and where to find new client paperwork.

Yes, you can use your insurance to cover meeting with a dietitian!
You can use your insurance for nutrition counseling or diabetes education, and most will cover the visit. These are to be completed prior to your first visit no matter if you have Commercial, Traditional Medicare, or a Medicare Advantage plan. If insurance does not fully cover the service, you can apply for the Slide Discounted Services.
Commercial Insurance:
Insurance plans have preventive benefits to help prevent chronic conditions and illnesses. So, in most cases you can use insurance for your nutrition visit. But YOU (not us!) need to call to verify and confirm that you do in fact have benefits on your insurance policy. This is often the case even if you don’t have an actual diagnosis BUT still want to come in for nutrition counseling for prevention of a disease. Why not check to see if you have prevention benefits to meet with a dietitian that may be covered at 100%? Most plans have preventative coverage, which is intended to prevent future illness. We will always code your visit using preventative coding (if applicable) to maximize the number of visits you receive from your insurance carrier. However, if you ONLY have a medical diagnosis (for example: you have IBS, but you are not overweight or do not have cardiovascular risk factors) your insurance may impose a cost-share for your visit either in the form of a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance. Preventative visits are usually covered at 100% without having to meet your deductible or pay a co-pay. You will need to verify your plan has preventative benefits and the number of visits allowed. Please use the commercial insurance verification form listed under the new patient forms to guide your conversation with your insurance company. The form is required to be completed before your first visit.
Traditional Medicare:
Below, we have provided a review of known benefits for Medicare. You can also review your benefits by reading your “Medicare and You” handbook. If you are being referred by your provider for a diagnosis not covered by Medicare, you have the option of completing the slide discounted services application. Medical Nutrition Therapy – Covered at 100% IF there is a diagnosis of Diabetes or Chronic Kidney Disease (non-dialysis). - No cost share is associated with medical nutrition therapy Lifetime limit on these services - 3 hours in the first year - 2 hours each additional year. Please ensure you have not maxed out benefits for the year you will be receiving these services with Envision Wellness Diabetes Self-management Training/Education – Covered at 80% IF there is a diagnosis of Diabetes. - If you have a Medicare supplement (Medigap) insurance or Medicaid this will most likely cover the remaining 20% cost share. Lifetime limit on these services - 10 hours first year - 2 hours each additional year Ensure you have not maxed out benefits for the year you will be receiving these services with Envision Wellness Medicare weight loss program – if you have a BMI ≥ 30 and would like to take advantage of the Obesity Behavioral Therapy (aka IBT program) listed in your “Medicare and You” handbook, please reach out directly to our office at 660-627-4493. If you have a Medicare Advantage insurance plan, please continue to read to learn about these services.
Medicare Advantage:
Medicare advantage plans should provide the same services as Traditional Medicare, but copays and cost shares may be different. You may have additional medical nutrition therapy coverage for greater than 3 visits plus additional diagnoses covered. We have created an insurance verification form specific to Medicare Advantage plans. Please refer to the insurance verification form under new patient forms.

Referring Providers
We are now accepting referrals for prevention and treatment of all nutrition related diseases and conditions.
All referrals can be faxed to 660-627-4288. Attn: Envision Wellness
We request the following be provided with all referrals:
All associated labs from the past year
Last office visit related to the referred diagnosis
Special notes for Medicare - Patients with Medicare can only be referred by using the provided Medicare compliant referral form located [Medicare Referral Form.pdf]. Medicare covers nutrition therapy for all forms of diabetes, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3a- 5 (non-dialysis). We are accepting referrals for all forms of diabetes, and CKD stages 3b and 4. If you have someone with more advanced CKD, we are happy to provide the contacts of dietitians in the State of Missouri who specialize in CKD and provide virtual visits.
*MD/DO are the only providers allowed by Medicare to refer patients to Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT).
** Midlevel providers can refer to Diabetes Self-management Education (DSMT/DSME).
Special notes for commercial insurance or self-pay – Please ensure the following information is included in the referral which can be created in your EMR. Order is for specialist – dietitian
Physician or mid-level provider first and last name
Physician or mid-level provider NPI number
Patient’s first and last name
Patient’s address
Patient’s birthdate
Patient’s diagnosis name plus the diagnosis codes in ICD-10 format.
Service you would like to be provided – nutrition counseling and/or diabetes education
Number of visits – 12-22 visits in 12 months are standard

New Patient Forms
Please complete the appropriate forms below and bring to your first visit with the dietitian. All forms can be mailed to you, if you wish, when you schedule your appointment.
Insurance Verification Forms
Envision Wellness Commericial Insurance.pdf
Traditional Medicare updated.pdf
Medicare Advantage updated.pdf
Food and beverage logs – All new patients are asked to complete a three-day food log. We highly encourage all new patients, and require all virtual visit patients, to use the free version of Cronometer to self-monitor their food and beverages for at least three days before the first appointment. You can access the web-based version here Cronometer or you can access the app version via Apple Store or Google Play. (Apple Crononmeter \ Google Cronometer) This information is used to help problem solve your wellness and/or health goals related to nutrient intake. You also have the option to print and complete a paper food log below.
Diabetes self-assessment – Please complete the diabetes self-assessment form if you have been diagnosed with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes for both nutrition counseling and diabetes education services.
DSMT Patient Self Assessment NEW.pdf
Nutrition assessment – Please complete the nutrition counseling form when seeing a dietitian for a dietary assessment. It is used for all preventative benefits or diagnoses, other than diabetes.
MNT Patient Self Assessment.pdf
Medicare weight loss program – Please complete if you are being seen for the Medicare Weight Loss Program.